Cut Distractions, Grab Opportunities

August 18, 2024
Cut Distractions, Grab Opportunities

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5: 15 - 20 (NIV)

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. 18Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, 19speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, 20always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Message“Cut Distractions, Grab Opportunities”

Stuck in a Nothing Box

Famous rock band U2 - song:  “Stuck in a moment”

The Chorus:  “You've got to get yourself together

You've got stuck in a moment

And now you can't get out of it

Don't say that later will be better

Now you're stuck in a moment

And you can't get out of it

My wife likes to sing this to me sometimes… those times she is standing on the side looking into how I get stuck in a moment of overthinking or just plain passivity 

It is the comedian Mark Gungor that joked about men and their boxes that they use only one at a time (because we can’t multitask) and he referred to the “nothing box” that irritates women out of their skin 

It’s when I have my nothing box out, when my wife starts to sing to me… “You’ve got to get yourself together…”

Wisdom is making the most of opportunities

Paul is writing to the Ephesians, urging them to be wise by making of every opportunity that comes their way

He says:  “Be very careful, then, how you live”…

Yes, you need to be alert to be wise to be able to recognize opportunities in front of you to be able to grab the opportunities that comes your way

It is a fascinating thought that Paul equates wisdom with the ability to grab opportunities

That is a life skill that we all can work on, isn’t it?

To recognize an opportunity in front of us and to actually grab it

How often don’t we regret missed opportunities?

My brother is a hotel owner and an entrepreneur 

He is successful in an environment of tourism with huge challenges 

I am amazed every time I visit him at how busy he is - always busy with the next project… improving, building, starting something new… always something

When covid hit in 2020, many thought it was going to be the end of tourism in the small town where they live

Not PJ - he took a huge risk by doing sweeping renovations at the hotel - remember it was in the time of lockdown

When competitors around him were struggling to find ways to survive, he saw the pandemic as an opportunity 

Today the hotel is thriving while others are “recovering from the pandemic”

It is a mindset of being willing to look beyond circumstances and see what others is missing

That is why Paul calls grabbing opportunities, wisdom

We will serve God better when we learn to see opportunities in front of us and to take action to actually grab those opportunities 

Days are evil

Paul says the days are evil

We can attest to that, certainly - I’m sure we can spend hours describing how evil the days we live in have become 

But this not what Paul has in mind

He is simply encouraging the Ephesians to get going despite the days being evil

How often do we get discouraged into passivity when we debate the level of evil of the days we live in?

Yes the days are evil, and there are many things happening around us that we don’t agree with… but that shouldn’t stop us from moving forward!

Distractions = foolish 

That brings us to the distractions…

Paul refers to drunkenness that leads to an obsession of pleasure

It is easy to take these words as a listing of sins that we should not commit

Instead, Paul is mentioning it as distractions

Perhaps an alternative definition of sin?  

Can we see sin as being distracted from making the most of the opportunities that comes our way?

If you think of it that way, sin gets new meaning… netflix, social media, gossip, passivity, negativity, pessimism… all things that prevent us from grabbing opportunities 

Take the time to reflect on the distractions in your life! 

Sing from your heart and give thanks

Then Paul ends off this passage with the call to sing from your heart and give thanks to God

Does this mean we should stop drinking beer and take out hymn books?

Yes and no!

It is about the heart - it’s about a joyful heart that is grateful for everything God gives

It is about a happy heart that gives thanks to God for all the opportunities God brings our way

It is about a heart that is free to serve - so free that it is a singing heart

So, a wise life, recognizing opportunities and grabbing them, cutting out distractions, comes from a joyful heart of gratitude 

Let us choose to be wise

Let us cut the distractions in our lives

Let us grab the opportunities God gives us

Let us live with joyful hearts of gratitude


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