Mercy is the Law that Gives Freedom

September 11, 2024
Mercy is the Law that Gives Freedom

Scripture Reading:  James 2: 12, 13 (NIV)

Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.


MessageMercy is the Law that Gives Freedom


In the Lord’s Prayer today, we prayed “forgive us our debts as we have forgiven our debtors” (Presbyterians say debts and our friends in the United church say trespasses)

The idea remains - we need God’s forgiveness, be have debt before God or because we have trespassed 

It speaks to the posture of need before God - dire need

It is the posture of a beggar - we are all beggars before God

God’s love for us can never be earned 

There is always reason for us to beg before Him - because on our own we always make a mess of things

We will be lost without the mercy of God

And if we then are beggars for the mercy of God, who are we not give mercy onto others?

Sometimes we forget that we are beggars when we turn to each other and start forming opinions about one another’s lives - it is called judgement

We claim the right to judge - mostly with what we think about others

Every time we judge, we forget how desperate we are for the mercy of God

Meaning of Mercy

Mercy is different from Grace in the sense that with mercy there is debt at play and with grace it is about undeserved gifts

Interestingly, in Afrikaans the same word is used for both mercy and grace - “genade”

The Greek word for Mercy is Eleos 

It is derived from the word for olive oil… Olive oil was used to treat wounds… It is soothing, comforting, and healing

It speaks then to a merciful God who is healing, soothing and comforting through his mercy for us

In Hebrew the word for mercy is Hesed, which means steadfast love

What better way to explain God’s mercy in my life than his steadfast love for me despite all my shortcomings?

The Law that gives Freedom

James talks about the concept of “the law that gives freedom”

The book of James is all about acts of faith - he says faith without acts are dead

And the law, the Torah, is also about acts - what acts are good and what acts are sinful

Jesus said that He did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill the law 

In His Person - Jesus did fulfill the law when he died for our debt on the cross

That speaks to the mercy of God - not that the debt of our sin was cancelled, but instead was paid for by the blood of Jesus

That brings us back to James - because of this mercy that our debt was paid for, all the more we should live to the heart of God’s law

And we know that the letter of God’s law is love

Love sets free… Love gives life… Love is this law that gives freedom that James talks about

We are loved through the mercy of God

And it is through the mercy of God that can begin understand his love

Developing an understanding of how much we need God, we can act according to the law that gives freedom because have received mercy and not because we are trying to justify ourselves

That is what James’ acts of faith is all about

Lord, have mercy

There is a Greek expression “Kyrie eleison” that has grown into an faith practice the church 

Translated it is “Lord have mercy” 

This short prayer has been spoken by Christians for centuries

It reminds me of the posture of a beggar 

Along with the words of “Lord have mercy” comes the word “remember me”

It reminds of the criminal that was crucified next to Jesus 

Luke 23: 42, 43 - “Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” 

And Jesus answering  him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

I am this criminal - begging to be remembered 

May I never forget this!

Lord have mercy on me… Jesus remember me

That is the law that gives freedom…

Live a life of Mercy 

James said in today’s Scripture reading:  “Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom

Let everything you do, everything you think, every way you live be out of the mercy of God

With everything you do, ask God:  “Lord have mercy on me”

For then you will stop judging others

“Mercy triumphs over judgement”

Choose to live a life of Mercy

Then you will start appreciating the love of God in your life

Then you will see how God’s mercy heals, soothes and comforts you

And then you live the law that gives freedom…



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