Opening the door to New Possibilities

Scripture Reading: Mark 1: 16 - 20 (NIV)
As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 17“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” 18At once they left their nets and followed him.
19When he had gone a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John in a boat, preparing their nets. 20Without delay he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him.
Message: Opening the Door to New Possibilities (part 2 of series)
4 Disciples called - Simon, Andrew, James and John
We are in the middle of a series the falls in the time of Epiphany - the time of realization, the time of new understanding, the time of renewal, time of doors being opened in our spiritual lives
Last week we had the story of Nathaniel and how his faith opened the door for him to see and understand more
We just read the story of the calling of a third of Jesus’ disciples
Fishermen undergoing a career-change… a very sudden career-change
We spoke about encounters with Jesus last week…
Here’s a very dramatic encounter
A Rabbi comes along and calls them to become his followers
We sometimes find it strange to think that they just left everything as it was to follow a stranger
But let’s just understand some of what was going on here…
They were fishermen - ordinary people
They had their Jewish upbringing (school in those days) and did what was required from them
They did not make the cut to go further (continued education today) and study more - they had to go and do their family trade, they were fishermen
In those days Rabbi’s picked their followers carefully
Mostly to be a follower of a Rabbi you would have had to study the Scriptures intensively and have a good understanding of how the Rabbi interprets certain aspects of the Scripture - let’s say you would have had to have a very nuanced grip on the interpretation of Scripture that was in line with your Rabbi calling you
So here comes a Rabbi and calls four fishermen - Simon, Andrew, James and John - to follow Him
Of course they would leave everything and grab the opportunity to become disciples of a Rabbi!
The calling of Jesus brings new possibilities
Jesus says to Simon and Andrew: “I will send you out to fish for people”
If only they had known the magnitude of these words…
This was the start of the biggest movement the world has ever seen
For God sent his only Son to this world to save the world, but He decided not to do it alone
Jesus decided to involve people - ordinary people, fishermen, me and you!
Of course people from all walks of life became part of this movement - educated, religious leaders, Roman soldiers, rich and poor, and especially women (contrary to the patriarchal tendencies of the time)
They were sent to go and fish for people - bring people in - in to a connection with God - a connection that ordinary people thought was reserved for priests
You see, I know that we don’t always appreciate what we have today - to be able to go to God in prayer at free will, any time, is something we take for granted
Yet we have fallen into the trap of thinking that prayer is either very private or reserved for a religious few that are able to pray in front of others
Later in the gospels we see how these disciples publicly prays for people and how miracles happens…
Miracles happens to this day through prayer - sometimes we just miss it because we have a different idea of miracles…
Prayer is just an example of how possibilities opening up…
Just think of what it did to the self-confidence and self-image of these fishermen, being called by the Rabbi
We know that they later on in their ministry wrote letters - some the letter we still read today in the Bible - they learned new skills and grew intellectually through their calling… they did not just sit back waited to be served
They discovered new family - brothers and sisters that was part of this movement that eventually became the first church
They took loving their neighbours to a new level in the way they cared and shared and included those on the fringes of society
A simple calling one day alongside the shore leading to a world of new possibilities opening up in their lives!
No excuses - just do it
So where do I stand today when I hear the story of this encounter Simon, Andrew, James and John had with Jesus?
Is it unthinkable that He calls me today to follow Him?
Oh yes! He is calling!
He is calling me to follow Him the world of 2024
A world that is very different from the world ancient world
But a world full of people with the same core needs for love and connection with God
A world that is suffering because of a disconnect with God (inside and outside the church)
A world that is longing for real love - the love of God - without even knowing it
And here I am being called make a difference in this deprived world - how can I not be excited!
And yet I fall back on all the old excuses not to go - I’m not good enough, I don’t have the time, it’s not for me, I’m too old for this stuff, what would people think of me?, I don’t have the skills, I’m not ready…
Don’t! Don’t fall back on your default excuse - challenge your excuses when you reach for them!
New Possibilities = New Purpose
When you respond the calling of Jesus to follow you today, a whole new world of possibilities opens up for you!
You might just discover new dimensions of who God created you to be
And with all the new possibilities comes a new life purpose
The very nature of being a Christian is to be sent by Jesus
The purpose of being a disciple, a follower of Jesus, is have an impact on lives living in this deprived world
Where is your impact going to be?
Where is Jesus calling you make a difference?
Where does He wants you to bring the love that changes everything in this world?
Know today that you are called!
Respond today to being called!
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