Prophesy, Dreams and Visions

June 23, 2024
Prophesy, Dreams and Visions

Scripture Reading: Joel 2: 28 (NIV)

And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.


Message:  Prophesy, Dreams and Visions

Where we are - already, not yet…

In our belief system, we find ourselves in the already-not-yet space

On the timeline of our lives are in this in-between space of significant events of faith that has already happened and significant events of faith that is still to come…

We share this space of already-not-yet

We are all free - because the price was paid on the cross: Jesus died, but He is also risen 

We can do well in reminding ourselves of our freedom - so that gratitude may flow from it

We are also not in heaven yet - the new Kingdom of God is still coming

We are part of this happening - we are included in what is coming

We still pray:  Thy Kingdom Come

We are yearning for more in this space of already-not-yet

We are yearning for God in this space

Imagination - prophesy, dreams and visions

In this space of yearning for God, God sends his Spirit - “I will pour out my Spirit on all the people

And it is his Spirit that turns our focus towards the “not yet”… towards what is still to come… towards the future

The Spirit always makes us look towards the future

That is why we cannot be stuck in the past

We need to look ahead - to the “not yet”

It is the “already” that empowers us to look ahead

The prophet Joel shows us what looking ahead entails

Prophesy, dreams and visions…

Why is it that we have become so depleted of prophesy, dreams and visions?

I believe that God wants to stimulate our imagination for what is yet to come…

It is my prayer that God will, through his Spirit, bring out new energy in us for what is yet to come

I have a dream…

I reading up on Christian leadership at the moment and came across the challenge of an author called Tod Bolsinger 

He says that every minister should share his/her dreams for ministry with their congregation from time to time

So, without further ado - here is my dreams for DPC:

I dream of a church that is not ashamed to use the name “Jesus”

I dream of a church that is a worshipping church

I dream of a church that is serious about faith and not so serious about religion

I dream of a church that loves the Bible

I dream of a church that prays out of heart, not from poem

I dream of a church that touches the community with the love of Jesus

I dream of a church that is truly welcoming to everyone

I dream of a church that is a family of faith - a place to feel safe

I dream of a church that is free from the worries of finances

I dream of a church building that is gathering place for the community

May the Spirit open your mind for what is yet to come!


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